A Torah Minute: Why Me?

By Rabbi Moshe Katz  


Remember the “license plate game”.
Maybe you played it as a kid.
Or maybe as an adult, you used it to keep the kids busy on the road.
You look out for certain plates.
How many different states?
Or what’s the cutest novelty plate?
Recently my nephew texted me a picture he took of a license plate.
And it definitely had personality.
What did it say?
And he added a little smiley note.
“Doesn’t look like a person of great faith!”
And it got me thinking.
Because when we hear those words?
“Why me G-d?”
We think of someone in pain. Someone going through difficult times.
“Why is my life so challenging? Why do so many people have it better than I do?”
We can understand someone who is hurting asking such a question.
But it’s a shame that those words make us think of someone in pain.
Because there’s a different “why me” we can ask.
What’s that?
How about this?
“G-d, I’ve been wondering.
I have so much to be thankful for…
Why am I so blessed?
So many people don’t have what I have.
An amazing family. Great parents. Cute kids. Adorable grandchildren.
Close friends. Good health. Nice house. A successful career.
Why me?
… It’s something to think about every day.
And especially on Sukkos.

“The time of our rejoicing.” (Kiddush)
We should count our blessings. Think of how much we have.
Then we should remember that license plate…
And say…
“Thank You, G-d!