ATT hosted Melava Malkah for REACH


On March 17th the ATT hosted a Melava Malkah for REACH at Shallots. A packed house of over 170 people was entertained by guest speaker Michael Brandwein. Afterwards Rabbi Raizman, executive director of the ATT, gave a short PowerPoint presentation showcasing the tremendous growth REACH has had over the past 3 years which includes broadening their scope from 368 students impacted in 2016 to over 800 students in 2018. Two parents who have children in the REACH program shared with the crowd their own personal success stories regarding REACH. The ATT thanks everyone who attended, and the community at large for their support.

(Below are a few quotes on the impact REACH is making in our schools.)

From a Parent:

“I am very thankful for REACH for all they have done and continue to do for our family. REACH has been a wonderful advocate for our son for the past several years. They continue to strive towards helping our family in every way.”

My daughter did not know how to read in 2nd grade and the REACH teachers helped her read within 3 months. The REACH program has helped my daughter’s confidence and gave her tools to learn so that certain subjects were not so overwhelming.”

From a Teacher:

“REACH has been an incredible resource for several of my students. In their small group classes, my students are able to receive more individualized attention as well as the support they need to be successful.”

From an Administrator:

“REACH has been instrumental in offering support to our community. They have sent an OT, a Social Worker, and a PD specialist in to our building to observe our students and classrooms, meet with teachers and support staff, and provide families and the school team with ideas about how best to support our kids. Working with REACH is easy…the members of the REACH team are kind, accessible, knowledgeable and eager to support us.”

For more information about what REACH is doing in our community, feel free to contact the REACH office at 224-601-6020.