Chabad Sukkahs All Over Town


Near Millennium Park, in shopping centers, at college campuses, on a rooftop, and even on wheels connected to bicycles; this year once again Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois and its 48 centers organized public sukkahs all over town.

From South Loop in Chicago to Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Sukkahs were visited by Jews of all walks of life.

Of the many public Jewish awareness campaigns that the Lubavitcher Rebbe initiated, Sukkot was the first. As far back as 1953, the Rebbe instructed his followers to meet fellow Jews wherever they may be and offer them the chance to recite a blessing on the lulav.

Today, such expressions of Jewish pride have become ubiquitous.

Rabbi Meir Moscowitz, regional director of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois, notes: “The many Jews of all ages and backgrounds celebrating in these sukkahs was a foretaste of ‘All Israel is worthy to sit in one sukkah,’ which we will experience with the coming of Moshiach.”