Experiential Learning- Mitzvot in the Home

Rabbi Michael Friedman, YU Torah Mitzion Kollel Fellow


Vishinantem is a parent-child experiential motzei Shabbat learning program run by the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel in partnership with Kehilat Chovevei Tzion. The theme of Vishinantem this year is: Mitzvot of the Home. We kicked off the learning with a lesson about kashrut. Rabbi Mayer Simcha Stromer and Rabbi Yehuda Meyers, with some help from Rabbi Michael Friedman, taught everyone about different components of kashrut. The program began with a vegetable checking competition and the families had a blast checking broccoli, lettuce and kale for hidden bugs (which would render the vegetables non-kosher). We then learned about the signs of kosher animals and fish. We gathered around to apply the night’s learning to some real fish the rabbis brought with them. The kids were put to the test to figure out which species were kosher and which were not. All the fish there had fins, but not all of them had scales. Some brave volunteers tested each fish, correctly determining that catfish is not a kosher species. We ended the night with a pizza melave malka. Anchovies anyone?
Join us at Kehilat Chovevei Tzion in Skokie for the upcoming Vishinantem programs, where we will continue to learn about mitzvot of the home! Motzei Shabbat Jan. 6 and Jan. 20, one hour after havdalah.