Four Fateful Hours on Erev Rosh Hashanah 

By L Berman


Rosh Hashanah of 5779 is just four hours away. The tempo of activity in each Jewish household increases as each moment hurries by. There are simanim to prepare, new clothes for each child, and tefillos for the new year murmured between each task. 

Who has the time now to go to the Kosel to daven? 

The Gedolei Hador do. On behalf of the donors to Vaad Harabanim, at this fateful time a most prominent group of the leaders of our generation will convene at the holiest site in the world. With only four hours left until the Day of Judgement begins the venerable leaders of all the Jewish People will petition and plead for the donors to Vaad Harabanim. 

This traditional prayer gathering was founded at the behest of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv ztz”l, Maran Posek Hador. At the initiative of Rav Elyashiv ztz”l the greatest leaders of our generation have gathered at the Kosel Hamaaravi to pray for those who donate to Vaad Harabanim every Erev Rosh Hashanah.   

This year, many of the Gedolei HaDor have personally requested to attend the prayer gathering. The list of Gedolim who will assemble at the Kosel is long: Harav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi Shlita, the Rebbe of Biale Shlita, Harav Yitzchak Sheiner Shlita, Harav Dovid Cohen Shlita, Harav M. Y. Shlesinger Shlita, the Rebbe of Rachmestrivka Shlita, the Rebbe of Pinsk Karlin Shlita, the Rebbe of Lelov Shlita, Harav Ezriel Auerbach Shlita, Harav Yaakov Hillel Shlita, Harav Reuven Elbaz Shlita, Harav Binyamin Finkel Shlita, Harav Moshe Tzadka Shlita, Harav M. Elyashiv Shlita. You can be assured that their prayers will be accepted and will form an effective defense on your behalf on the Day of Judgement. 

Yes, on your behalf because you are not going to miss out this year. Every year you’ve seen the salvation and blessing that resulted from this awesome gathering on the eve of Judgement. This year is the year that you too will be included in the powerful prayers of the Gedolei HaDor right before Rosh Hashanah for a good year. 

In addition to the merit of the prayers at the Kosel, Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita has penned in his own handwriting a powerful brachah for those who donate to Vaad Harabanim: “The donors of Vaad Harabanim will merit a good year.” A clear and compelling reason to donate to Vaad Harabanim. Can you pass up the opportunity to be blessed by the Sar HaTorah himself? 

Send in your donation right away to Vaad Harabanim, don’t forget to include your name and the names of those you love to be included in the list of the Gedolei HaDor. During the most fateful four hours of the year the Gedolei HaDor want to daven for you at the Kosel. With their prayers standing at your side you can be assured of a good year for you and your family.     

Call (1) 877-722-2646 or go to to make your tax deductible donation.