Glow MAZING way to kick off Chanukah at the Bernard Horwich JCC


Sunday, December 10th was the 3rd Annual Chanukah Bash at the Bernard Horwich JCC! This year JCC Chicago premiered an incredible family GLOW party for all party participants. Cosmic four square, cosmic gaga, cosmic relays, cosmic tug of war and a glow bounce house helped to light up these festivities.

Always a hit, the deconstructed Sufganyot bar with tons of toppings was not to be missed. Families could also participate in a variety of different craft projects that were on hand.

JCC Chicago welcomed close to 250 people to this annual holiday celebration. Regional Program Director Wendy Singer said, “It was wonderful seeing the community come together having fun kicking off Chanukah in a GLOWING way!”.

This program was partnership with the Jewish Community Council of West Rogers Park. For more information about JCC Chicago programs please email Wendy Singer at [email protected] or visit

JCC Chicago is non-profit organization inspired by Jewish values, bridging traditions and generations to create a more vibrant, connected community. JCC is a partner with the Jewish United Fund in serving our community.