Hillel Torah’s 2019 PTA Family Chesed Day in memory of Miriam Isenberg, z”l


Hillel Torah’s 2019 PTA Family Chesed Day was another great event! Parents and children helped put together:

– 8 no-sew blankets made for Chai Lifeline kids going through treatment

– Over 100 mishloach manot packages decorated, packed, and ready to be delivered to the Chai Lifeline for their Purim party.

– 20 activity bags for kids of all ages decorated and packed for MY Kids

– 60 bags of clothing sorted and packed for Chicago Chesed Fund

– 100 cards written for lone soldiers in the IDF

– 25 Purim centerpieces decorated and assembled for the dining tables at Park Plaza

– 25 Bracha Bags of toiletries and winter wear decorated and packed for The VA. We also made cards to thank them for their service.

– 8 boxes of toiletries decorated and filled for The ARK and ready to be delivered along with 2 big boxes of wipes and – 6 boxes of diapers in various sizes.

– 12 popsicle stick vases assembled and filled with 36 handmade tissue paper flowers for The ARK and ready to be delivered for their Purim Party.

– $47 raised through coffee and hot chocolate sales for Matanot Le’evyonim.

– Over 200 volunteers registered with All For Good to help us win up to 20 tickets to Disney to be raffled for some of our families to enjoy.

– At least 3 people mentioned that were interested in becoming registered for Be The Match and many others expressed interest in donating blood.

First Responders received a warm care package of a poster filled with thanks from the kids and cookie trays (4 stations in total for fire/police)

A huge thank you to the Isenberg family for their generous support and donations to our PTA Family Chesed Day. We also appreciate the donations from our Community Corporate Sponsors, listed below, who contributed goods and funds to help make this day a success:

Blick Art Materials, Michael Gelb DDS-Chicago Dental Group, Costco, Dunkin’,  Emma’s Bagel Cafe, Hungarian Kosher Foods, Miller’s Jewelry Supply Inc., North Shore Kosher Bakery, Oriental Trading Company, Starbucks, and Target Evanston

Thank you as well to all of our families who donated clothing to the Chicago Chesed Fund, and toiletries and bracha bag donations for The VA and The ARK!