Illinois Marks “Education and Sharing Day” 


The Seder was designed with the intention of quipping the child’s curiosity, bringing about the realization that this night is different from all other nights. Geared to engage the innocence of youth and a sensory experience throughout. 

This message reverberates today more than ever. We are blessed to live in an era of unprecedented educational success, yet so many feel a lack of direction and purpose. 
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory, often taught that education is more than preparation for making a living; it should be preparation for making a life. A life filled with direction and purpose. 

In addition to teaching the three “R’s;” teachers must instruct impressionable students in the fourth “R” – reason. Reason to modify conduct in accordance with civility, reason to rein in youthful impulses, and reason to get up each morning and face the enormous tasks that lie before each of us. 


Following a four decade tradition the US Congress sets aside “Education and Sharing Day” on the anniversary of the Rebbe’s birth, four days before Pesach. In tribute to his commitment to teaching the next generation of Americans the values that make our country strong.  A call to all Americans to pause and recognize our responsibility in ensuring that our young people have the foundation necessary to lead lives rich in purpose and fulfillment. 


This year, the idea of “Education and Sharing Day”, was emulated in many states and cities across the country. The Illinois Senate has adopted a Resolution Declaring  March 27, 2018 as Education and Sharing Day in Illinois. 


Rabbi Rabbi Meir Moscowitz, Regional Director of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois, who led the invocation at the Illinois State Senate in honor of ‘Education & Sharing Day’, commented, ‘in light of recent horrific events that have shaken our nation to the core, it is most appropriate for us to reaffirm our commitment to an educational process that is focused on the building of character, with emphasis on the moral and ethical values that are the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization.”