No One is Passed Over


It’s hard to celebrate Passover without family or friends. Jews in correctional institutes feel especially isolated.  The Hinda Institute makes sure no Jew is forgotten on Passover and deliver Matzos and Food for Pesach to over 140 people in over 23 correctional institutions across Illinois. R. Binyomin Scheiman and his assistant Dovid Rabinowitz pick up the food from many generous donors and then drive over 1600 miles across Illinois. Additionally, the Hinda Institute delivers Matzot to many of our clients who are re-entering our communities and celebrating the holidays sometimes for the first time. The ability to celebrate the Jewish holidays brings tremendous hope and joy to our clients.

One client in a correctional institute commented;” I feel so alone on the holidays; Passover is especially tough. I remember doing the seders with my zaydee. It means a lot that Rabbi Scheiman brings us matzah and gives us the opportunity to do seders and keep Passover. Rabbi Scheiman taught me that there always the possibility to change over your life, overcome your personal limitations and find real freedom.”

The route was tracked on Facebook and supporters and former clients posted encouraging texts all along the way during the week-long trek. “It meant everything to me. You brought light where there was none.” “It is a blessing that they have you for Passover. I am blessed to have known  you and have you as a friend.”

The Hinda Institute especially wants to thank our supporters for their continual unfailing generosity and human kindness over the years; you make sure that nobody is forgotten or passed over.  

Thank you to Moat Chitim committee of Greater Chicago for Kosher Lepesach food items, The Aleph Institute for Seder plates, The Ark for Salamis, The Grinker family for Shmurah Matzah, Larry and Anita Miller for the cargo van rental and gas, Hot Shot Delivery owner Steve Lurie for the delivery of 2000 meals, “Abes Smoked Fish” for frozen dinners, and Shtark Kosher Cheese donated cheese with the help of Rabbi Levi Lando.