Lag B’Omer at ICJA 


ICJA students and staff spent the morning of Lag Baomer doing good around the community, thanks to the generosity of the Ann Rita Schwartz Chesed Fund. Our students volunteered at the JCC to work with preschool students, Stand Up For Kids, Green Star Movement, ReStore – Habitat for Humanity, the Abington of Glenview, the Chicago Chesed Fund and the Lieberman Center for Health and Rehabilitation. 

This was the third and final chesed day for this year. In total, our students volunteered at more than a dozen organizations this year. We have no doubt that for many of our students, their experience doing chesed in high school will lead to a lifetime of giving back to the community.  

The rain held out in the afternoon on Lag B’Omer while students enjoyed a barbecue, a carnival, a bonfire, and sports.