Blintzes For Shavuos

By Naomi Nachman

My grandmother, Rebecca Atlas, a”h, from Sydney, Australia (via Vilna, Poland) always made the best blintzes.  Every week my family would go to her house and she’d have a feast prepared for us.  My favorite weeks were when she made us blintzes – there would be platters of blintzes piled high!  The blintzes were filled with either potato or cheese (and I loved both).  This recipe was passed down from my Bubby to my Mum and then to me.  I’m so excited to share this recipe with my American family.
3 eggs
1 cup flour
1 ½ cups water
1 tsp oil
½ tsp salt
Cheese Filling
1 egg yolk
2 TBS sugar
1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, softened
2 cups (12 oz. carton) dry or creamed cottage cheese
¼ tsp vanilla extract
Strawberries, blueberries or fruit of choice
Potato Filling
4 Yukon gold potatoes
1 large onions, diced
1 TBS olive oil, plus additional oil for frying
1 large egg, lightly beaten
Salt and pepper to taste
To prepare the blintz leaves: Mix ingredients a food processor or whisk well in a bowl and let stand for 15 minutes.
Heat a 9-inch nonstick frying pan or crepe pan over medium heat. Coat pan with nonstick cooking spray. Pour enough batter into the pan to just cover it, about one-third of a cup. Cook until the top is just set and the crepe is cooked through. Remove from pan to cool. Repeat with remaining batter.
To prepare the cheese filling: In the bowl of an electric mixer combine egg yolk and sugar; beat until thick and yellow. Add cream cheese, cottage cheese and vanilla extract; mix well. Add in fruit of your choice. Refrigerate until ready to use.
Place about a quarter of a cup of filling into the center of each blintz; roll to form blintz.
Heat about a ¼ cup of oil in a frying pan; fry the blintz for about 2 minutes per side, until crispy.
To prepare the potato filling: In a small pot boil potatoes in salted water until fork tender.
Heat oil in a sauté pan and fry onion until brown. When the potatoes are cooked, drain and mash them with the fried onion. Add the egg, salt and pepper and mash until smooth.
Place about a quarter of a cup of filling into the center of each blintz; roll to form blintz.
Heat about a ¼ cup of oil in a frying pan; fry the blintz for about 2 minutes per side, until crispy.