An Incredible Communal Event: Missouri Torah Institute’s 11th Annual Dinner 


Beautiful. Emotional. Meaningful. Kiddush Hashem. These are all words that come to mind as we reflect on our annual dinner that took place on Sunday, June 10th. Over 300 participants shared an evening of incredible inspiration together. We gathered to memorialize Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Abramson Z”L, recognize Dr. Yochanan and Mrs. Jennie Silverman as parents of the year, and celebrate our first alumnus of the year, Mr. and Mrs. Dovid and Dena Love. 

In memorializing Rabbi Abramson, Mr. Charlie Deutsch, dinner chairman, very emotionally expressed his deep Hakaras HaTov to Reb Yitz for spending countless hours learning with him and caring about him, helping him to develop and become the person he is today.  It was clear from all of those who spoke, that the St. Louis Jewish community has been forever changed by the work and message of Rabbi Dr. Abramson.  

A very special building dedication was made by Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Deutsch and Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nudell, together with the extended family and friends of Rabbi Dr. Abramson. The Bais Medrash Shiur Room, with all the learning that takes place there, will be an everlasting zechus for Rabbi Abramson. Michael, as the oldest grandson, spoke on behalf of his family and expressed his appreciation that his beloved grandfather would be forever connected to MTI- a Yeshiva that he loved and was so proud of. Rabbi Wasser expressed that the yeshiva is grateful to be building upon foundations that were laid by the people who came before us, particularly Rabbi Dr. Abramson. 

In accepting the honor of parents of the year, Dr. and Mrs. Silverman expressed their strong feelings of gratitude to the yeshiva for putting in so much effort in the chinuch of their son Eli, a current 11th grader at the yeshiva. They expressed their appreciation that MTI exists within the local community of St. Louis, providing an excellent chinuch option for high school-age students so that they have no need to leave home at such a young age. In a slightly ironic twist, Dr. Silverman mentioned that he himself is forever grateful to Rabbi Abramson who played a significant role in his life, and actually contributed to their decision to send Eli to MTI! 

This year’s dinner also marked our inaugural “Alumnus of the Year” as the yeshiva recognized its special connection with Mr. and Mrs. Dovid Love. Dovid was a member of our first graduating class. Dovid has settled with his family in San Diego, CA where he has become a leader in advancing ruchniyus through attending and hosting different shiurim and learning sedarim. Despite having left the yeshiva 5 years ago, Dovid has made it a priority in his life to remain closely connected to his Rebbeim and Chaveirim at the yeshiva, strengthening the bonds that were created during his time spent in the yeshiva. 

The inspiration of the evening was further enhanced by spirited singing and dancing with music produced by MTI students (guitar, piano, and violin). Delicious food prepared by Jon Rubin Caterers was both tastefully arranged and delicious. 

All in all, it was truly a beautiful evening, with the many guests leaving with warm memories of another inspiring MTI event.  

Yashar Koach to all those that participated and contributed and helped make the dinner a huge Kiddush Hashem and a great success.