Hello 2019. Hello Rising Healthcare Costs.  


It’s happening. 2019 will bring a host of changes to the world of healthcare laws with rising costs quickly following. A recent article by Michael Hiltzik in the LA Times warns us that we can expect rate increases by up to 30%! The GOP tax plan approved by Congress at the tail end of 2017 repealed the Individual Mandate, a key component of the Affordable Care Act. With the elimination of the costly penalty, the membership pool of traditional healthcare system is predicted to become sicker and older, driving the change for premium increases drastically.   

Now, 9 states are working on a state mandate including California, Washington, Connecticut, and the District of Columbia. These largely Democratic states are trying to preserve what they perceive as some of the key advantages of the ACA.   

Individual Mandate or not, the rising cost of healthcare continues to be on our minds. And for those who want to live within the safety net of a healthcare company, traditional options are becoming increasingly unfeasible.  

And so, breaking with the traditional approach, while simultaneously embracing an age-old tradition, United Refuah HealthShare is gaining more and more traction as a reliable and safe choice. As the only Jewish healthsharing organization, United Refuah is a non-profit organization and community dedicated to the health of its members while facilitating the sharing and savings of medical costs.  

The sharing process is simple. Each member makes a nominal monthly contribution to their RefuahShare Account. After the deduction of a minimal amount used to cover administrative expenses, co-shares, and an annual pre-share amount, the balance remains in the account to be used to share in other members’ eligible medical expenses. When a member experiences a health concern, or needs a simple wellness visit, they visit the provider of their choice, and the funds are then shared from other members’ accounts to the account of the member in need and promptly paid to the care provider.   


But United Refuah HealthShare is not just about savings. At its core, United Refuah is a thriving community of like-minded people freely supporting one another. Furthermore, it is based on the moral and Torah principles that it is an inherent obligation for members to maintain their health and wellness and to promote the best life possible for themselves and their families.  


*United Refuah HealthShare is not an insurance company and does not offer insurance. 


For more information or to become a member, visit UnitedRefuahHS.org.