Associated Talmud Torahs Sponsors Tisha B’Av Program at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center 


On Sunday, July 22nd, the Associated Talmud Torahs (ATT) Sandor and Margit Kirsche Department of Holocaust Studies invited the Chicago community to a special Tisha B’Av family program at the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center. The community responded accordingly. Nearly 350 people from all segments of the community attended.  

The program included Reflections from the Second Generation by Rabbi Reuven Gross, a guided exploration of the European Jewish Refugee Experience from 1933-1941 by Ms. Kelley Szany, Holocaust Museum Director of Education,  and main exhibit tours. New this year was the Hear, See, and Ask Survivor Story in the Museum’s new holographic theater where attendees met a virtual Holocaust Survivor, and experienced a high-definition holographic interview recording paired with voice recognition technology enabling the Survivor to tell his deeply moving personal story and then respond to questions from the audience, inviting one-on-one “conversation.”  

The event was an exceptionally moving and unifying experience.  The program’s attendance demonstrated that the victims of the Holocaust, their suffering, and their memories, will never be forgotten. For more information about the program, please visit our website at For more information about the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center, visit .