A Walk In The Park (Plaza): Words To Live By      Part 8: Accept Challenges In Life

By Mayer Smith  


We should do the things that others say cannot be done.  As the old cliché goes “The difficult we do immediately; the impossible takes a little longer.”  If something difficult is worth doing and needs to be done, do it.

Can you think of something that you think would improve society but people keep saying “That’ll never happen” or something similar indicating there are too many roadblocks to overcome to bring it to fruition?  I am writing these articles at age 94 to help YOU!

Here are some things that I personally achieved that others did not think of or thought were too difficult to accomplish. Lessons  #6 & #7 (to have friends, you must be a friend and always tell the truth) were for personal gain. Believe you can and you will do likewise or better for yourself and for society.


  • With Carlton Blake, co-founded National Transplant Surgery Foundation which was the first national non-profit entity that provided transplant surgery Donor cards – circa 1968 – later taken over by the National Kidney Foundation and now on drivers’ licenses in many states.



  • Chaired the establishment of the first blood bank for Northern Virginia Life Underwriters Association – others failed three times to get enough donors for a bank.



  • As Membership Chairman – increased membership from 160 to 270 in just one year and led the nation for most improved association. Others thought this goal was impossible.



  • Became first Jewish president of Northern Virginia Life Underwriters Association.


  • Although the only Jewish member, became the first Man of the Year selectee.



  • Assisted four banks in raising initial capital requirements. One had failed without me.



  • Beat all competition to win Fairfax County Tax Sheltered Annuity Program.



  • Insurance consultant to several attorneys and CPAs.



  • Was Luncheon speaker on Business Insurance and Estate Planning for most of the Life Underwriters Associations in Virginia & Maryland. 



  • Bausch & Lomb Science award winner in high school (Newport News, VA)



  • Designed mortgage funding plan with congregants as lenders at lower interest rates than banks saving congregation many thousands of dollars in interest.



  • 1967 – 6 Day War – Designed via banks a way to quintuple sales of Israel Bonds.

Some of the above were deemed difficult and others were said to be impossible, either way, they were all challenges that were accomplished.