Chanukah at Libenu


The children at Lev Chicago Respite celebrated Chanukah this past week with a party for family and friends. The children sang and put on a Chanukah play, to the delight of their parents, grandparents, and siblings. Everyone enjoyed delicious latkes and sufganiyot. The children also decorated Chanukah sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles. Everyone enjoyed the warm, loving atmosphere! Lev Chicago Respite is offered in partnership with Jewish Child and Family Services.

The adult residents of Libenu enjoyed an inclusive community-based Chanukah party! Residents were joined by family, neighbors, and friends for an evening of pizza, latkes, and sufganiot. The residents lit their menorahs and sang beautiful Chanukah songs. As is our annual tradition of community outreach, Libenu also invited individuals in the community with developmental disabilities who do not live in a Jewish CILA, so that they too can participate in the celebration of Chanukah. One such resident commented that he looks forward to the Libenu Chanukah party every year.

The Libenu women celebrated Chanukah with an additional party, inviting their family and friends in the community to their new home. The women made dinner for their guests after which everyone enjoyed karaoke and creating an edible art project.

For more information about Libenu, or to learn how you can be a part of this incredible organization, contact [email protected].