Torah Minute: Let’s Get Moving 


I remember a very hot day.
And I was out jogging.
I met a friend who said to me …
“Rabbi! How do you do it in such hot weather?”
I wasn’t able to get into a philosophical discussion then.
But here it is.
Why do I jog even when it’s very hot?
For the same reason I daven every day. Even when it’s very hot.
(And even if the air conditioning at the shul is broken!)
Because I have to!
I consider both regular prayer and exercise to be a religious imperative.
… And there’s more.
Why do I jog every day?
Because I daven every day!
What do I mean?
Every day I thank G-d for the gift of life.
And if I don’t try to take care of myself?
It shows that I don’t really appreciate the gift of life.
Every day I ask G-d for good health.
And if I don’t try to take care of myself?
It’s kind of a chutzpa!
Like having a few drinks, getting behind the wheel of my car …
And praying to G-d for a safe trip!
… If you thank G-d every day for the gift of life, but don’t exercise?
Think about getting started!
If you exercise but don’t thank G-d every day for the gift of life?
Think about getting started!
And if you already do both?
You’re in really good shape!