8th Grade Shabbaton at MTI in St. Louis


MTI, the Mesivta of St. Louis hosted 37 Eighth grade bachurim from St. Louis and across America for their annual Shabbos for boys to experience firsthand what it means to be an MTI talmid. Prospective talmidim came from a number of cities around the country, including Denver, Chicago, Baltimore, Jacksonville, Houston, and Portland.

Besides for a Shabbos filled with ruach and great food, highlights of the weekend included a science lab activity on Thursday and exciting trips on Friday and Motzaei Shabbos. At the Melave Malka, the boys got to hear from the MTI band. The yeshiva administered fahrers and assessment tests to prospective talmidim on Friday and Sunday.

Participants attended shiurim, got to know current talmidim and got a glimpse of life in MTI and the approach to chinuch the yeshiva is known for.  One guest commented that the “it really means a lot to me to go to a Yeshiva where everyone is a ‘family’. I get that feeling here in MTI.”

“In such a short time, the boys really made nice connections with one another,” says Rosh Yeshivah Rabbi Dovid Fromowitz. “They got the chance to see how warm the MTI talmidim are, the school’s incredibly happy and positive environment, and enjoy a most uplifting, spirited Shabbos with the hanhalah and rebbeim.”

One participant commented, “I just can’t wait till I come here with all my friends and learn Torah.”

For more information about the yeshiva, please call the office at 636-778-1896 x 101, or email [email protected].