Associated Talmud Torahs Convenes Annual Teachers’ Educational Conference


Q: What happens when over 500 day-school and high school teachers and administrators from pre-nursery through 12th grade attend the Associated Talmud Torahs of Chicago’s Annual Teachers Educational Conference? 

 A: Apparently good things according to the outpouring of positive feedback the ATT has received regarding yesterday’s conference…

“Your efficiency in pulling off such a detailed, elaborate program is incredible! I enjoyed meeting your teachers. They were all so receptive and open to learning.”

“It was wonderful to see so much reflection and learning.”

“It was a well-organized and wonderful program.”

“It was an honor to be part of such an efficient and professionally run event. I am sure all who attended gained tremendously. I enjoyed the groups and gained a lot from the interactions with the teachers and community leaders.”

———–comments from presenters at the conference

“Thank you for the time and effort you put into today’s classes. They were exceptional – really enjoyed!”

“Thank you for another successful event!”

“All the speakers today were excellent, entertaining, and relevant.” 

“Thank you for three wonderful presentations! May we all have siyata dishmaya to use all of the knowledge and inspiration to benefit each and every child in our classrooms.”

———–comments from the participants at the conference

The conference, that took place on Monday, February 18, 2019, sponsored in memory of Irving Weiss – Yisroel ben Dov, z”l, featured 58 workshops presented by 39 noted consultants from national and local educational institutions with expertise related to what works in teaching and learning. Teachers found the day to be informative and practical. They were especially grateful for the opportunity to network with their peers and gain chizuk from the offerings of the unique program.

Especially noteworthy were the features this year:

  • Online pre-registration
  • Personalized packets at registration
  • Shorter workshops 
  • Sharing sessions

The excitement of the day was palpable and teachers commented on the value of the sessions as well as the organization of the day.  Sessions included practical methodology and information related to: managing anxiety in the classroom, OT interventions for common developmental challenges, ways to differentiate for young children, techniques for classroom management, engaging students with proper cooperative learning strategies, ideas for student motivation, strategies for math and writing instruction, understanding the effects of technology on students, strategies to create a positive classroom environment and build student relationships, using technology resources for the classroom, effective ways to communicate with parents, a hands-on Purim/Pesach creativity workshop, and the list goes on.

The special new sharing sessions allowed teachers to network with peers in specific areas that included Talmud, Tanach, Rashi skills, student behaviors, tech tools, using data in the classroom, number sense, art, and activities to involve students.

An administrative workshop entitled, “Fostering Positive Relationships Between Principals and Staff” was presented by Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein for principals, assistant principals, and program coordinators. An additional administrator information session was presented by Rabbi Heshy Glass.

This annual conference is for all religious and general studies teachers in the ATT’s affiliated day schools and high schools.  Co-chairpersons of the conference are Rabbi Avrohom Shimon Moller and Mrs. Chani Friedman. This year, they worked with a committee of teachers from ATT schools to plan the conference. For further information, please contact (773) 973-2828.

The Associated Talmud Torahs (ATT) of Chicago serves the greater Chicagoland Jewish community as its Central Agency for Religious Education. Created in 1929, the ATT has provided a quality Jewish education to its Jewish youth through various educational opportunities. Currently, the ATT has an enrollment of over 3000 students in its schools and hundreds of students in its summer programs. This annual conference day is part of the ATT’s Barbakoff Department of Teacher Education and Development.