Associated Talmud Torahs Teacher Appreciation Event


The Associated Talmud Torahs (ATT) Teachers Appreciation Event was a huge success.  Close to 300 people gathered on Monday, December 10, 2018, at the Bryn Mawr Country Club to celebrate the educators in the ATT’s day school system and acknowledge their crucial work. The evening started with a delicious buffet catered by Shallots followed by a short video describing ATT’s key role in professional development for its teachers.

The evening climaxed with the Hartman Family Foundation Educator of the Year Awards presentation recognizing three outstanding educators in the ATT school system: Mrs. Sheri Goldstein, English department chairman from Ida Crown Jewish Academy, whose top award is sponsored in memory of Mrs. Gayle Anne Herwitz, Mrs. Basya Breitman, a fifth grade Morah from Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov, and Rabbi Shlomoh Rhine, a pre-1A Rebbe at Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi.

The ATT’s mission is to provide all of its students with the best school learning experience possible including those who learn differently; offer teacher professional development; and implement school improvement. The ATT has continuously pursued this mission to meet the unique opportunities and challenges that arise from serving 3,400 children, their families, teachers, and 12 day schools.

The ATT thanks everyone who attended and supported this event.