Beis Medrash Mikor Hachaim to Celebrate Chai Anniversary 

By Devora Klein from Hamodia


On Monday, May 7, Mikor Hachaim celebrated their Chai Anniversary Dinner. With the attendance of over 300 people, the event highlighted Mikor’s success in creating a makom Torah u’tefillah where young professionals and others, along with their families, have grown in avodas Hashem.  

The Chai Anniversary program began with opening remarks from Mr. Michael Klein. Rabbi Yaakov Robinson delivered divrei brachah and marveled at the shul’s success.  He described the mission of Mikor Hachaim, and remarked, “Now, 18 years later, we have witnessed the peiros of this process with great men and women and well-established families that give us much pride in our past, and even more confidence in our future. “ 

Rabbi Robinson then announced the dedication of the shul’s Kollel Boker as the Zichron Avraham Gershon Kollel Boker, in memory of Mr. Avi Karesh, brother of shul president, Rabbi Phil Karesh. The Kollel Boker, which is held each morning in between the shul’s two Shacharis minyanim, provides an opportunity for individuals to have a kevias ittim early in the morning, before heading off to work.   

The accomplishments of the evening’s honorees were highlighted on pre-recorded video productions.  Mr. Noah Rosen introduced the video on Mr. and Mrs. Josh and Michal Rosen, who were honored with the Eitz Hachaim Award. The Rosens, who have been pillars of the shul since its inception, are shining examples of Torah, avodah and gemilus chassadim and both Mr. and Mrs. Rosen are involved in the shul activities in many ways.  Mr. Rosen asserted, “If Mikor never existed, I would not be the person who I am today, and our family would not be where we are today. I have taken a lot from shul over the years, and I am happy to be able to give back.” 

Rabbi Ephraim Friedman, introduced the video on Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Rebecca Bassman, who were honored with the Nefesh Hachaim Award. He described the Bassmans as “people of aliyah, who are always searching for opportunities to progress in their avodas Hashem and in community involvement, and for ways to elevate the level of their family, and the level of everyone around them.” 

Both Mr. and Mrs. Bassman are heavily involved in shul activities, especially the Avos U’Banim program and the Mother/Daughter melaveh malkah program.   

A highlight of the evening was a the Mikor Chai Anniversary Celebration video, introduced by Rabbi Moshe Schechter.  The video depicted how, from its inception, Mikor has been committed to providing an authentic beis medrash environment that creates an atmosphere that is conducive to love of Yiddishkeit and growth in avodas Hashem.  Since that time, the shul has, baruch Hashem, experienced an explosion of growth, and has attracted many individuals and families, from all segments of the Jewish community, It has been heartwarming to see the results of these effort, and the beautiful development of the many families touched by the shul. Mikor Hachaim has truly been a source of life to so many.