Home Community Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed launches Young Leadership Initiative

Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed launches Young Leadership Initiative


Last month, the Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed inaugurated its Young Leadership Initiative with a Kumzitz led by Rivie and Eli Schwebel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shimmy Meystel. Over 90 men were in attendance as the famed father and son duo serenaded the crowd with a variety of songs ranging from the classics of Dveykus, to the timeless tunes from Journeys as well as contemporary niggunim from Lev Tahor. Rabbi Sruly Bogopulsky, Associate Director of the Chicago Center, spoke about the beauty of all the miracles that happen all around us each and every day that one can notice if they so choose to lift their eyes and see them. He compared it to the Chicago Center’s knack for performing modern day miracles through the efforts of Refuah 311 and its director Rabbi Yisroel Matzliach. He also remarked how crucial it is for the younger generation to embrace the challenge of being there for their fellow Jews in the arenas of Chesed and Refuah here in Chicago.