Chicago Runs On Chesed 


Riding on last year’s success, the Chicago Community once again gathered for the Chicago Chesed Fund’s second Speed to Feed, a community-wide men’s 5K race. After weeks of anticipation, community members banded together on Sunday, May 6th, to run the scenic Linne Woods racetrack in Morton Grove, Illinois, in order to raise funds to help feed Chicago’s families and individuals in need.  

The event yielded a great turnout and a tremendous outpouring of support, as over 40 runners, both grandchildren and grandfathers, marathon pros and those who had never run before, ran side by side in support of the cause with the energy and ruach of hundreds. Buzz was in the air and the atmosphere was filled with excitement as face-painted, sign-waving children came in support of their fathers and brothers, inspiriting support for the event. Even after crossing the finish line, the crowds of runners and supporters stuck around until the last group of runners had completed the run, cheering them on.  

“It wasn’t just about running,” said committee member Moshe Isenberg, “It was about running for a cause. A lot of us run to keep ourselves healthy, but the bottom line is that this race raised tons of money for the Chicago Chesed Fund.”  

Huge congratulations are in order to our Speed to Feed winners! Ilan Herfetz came in 1st place at 21:42 minutes after completing another 5K race the very same morning. Elly Bachrach came in 2nd place at 22:17 and Mark Zagorin came in third at 22:52 minutes. The participants of the race had their official time recorded by It’s Race Time, Inc. using the Bib Chip Timing System and supporters were able to track the runners’ speeds in real time.  

Speed To Feed could not have taken place without the help of our committee members— Moshe Isenberg, Shully Lichtman, David Tessler, and Mark Zagorin— who dedicated themselves to Chicago Chesed Fund’s vision.  And of course, a giant shout-out goes to all our runners for their incredible support and devotion to the cause. Each runner crossing the finish line contributed to a resounding victory for the Chicago Chesed Fund.