Breaking Records at Yachad!


Over the weekend of October 26th-28th, 13 Yachad members, teen leaders and staff from Chicago Yachad attended Yachad’s National High School Leadership Shabbaton in Stamford, CT. They were joined by 200 people from chapters across the US and Canada, to participate in trainings and leadership workshops that enable chapter members to spread the message of Inclusion. Ruach-filled davening, meals and a festive Melave Malkah were just some of the many opportunities that Shabbaton participants had to learn from one other, across the entire spectrum of the organization. Hardcor_snackie and DJ.Salty from Toronto were also on-hand and enhanced the program even further. We appreciate our partnership with our National counterparts in New York and thank them for planning and executing a memorable and meaningful program. We also extend congratulations to Avery Amster and Sarah Levinson, our Teen Leadership Board co-presidents, on a successful weekend.

On Sunday, November 4, more than 40 Seniors (15-23 y/o) and Rayim (24+ y/o) members and peers, enjoyed the “Games Galore & More” event, consisting of a fun day of relay races and a variety of games. The relay races included messy games, olympiada games and a human hungry hippo game, where participants rode on scooters and tried to snatch up balls before the next person. We ended with pizza and more socialization fun! Our Junior division (7-14 y/o) had a fun & cute PJ’s & pizza event on Sunday, November 11th. Over 30 people came together to watch “Frozen” and took part in singing and socializing!

November 16-17 was our first Seniors & Rayim Shabbaton of the year, which took place in partnership with Congregation Ezras Israel! OVER 100 people attended this amazing Shabbaton, our biggest local Shabbaton to date! The weekend was filled with inspiring ruach and inclusive socializing, and plenty of new friendships were formed between our members, peers, advisors, and staff. All our tasty meals and Shabbos activities were held at Ezras Israel and our motzei Shabbos activity organized by our high school board, consisting of a mirror maze and games and a scavenger hunt were at Navy Pier. Thank you to Great Chicago for catering our Shabbos meals, Tel Aviv Pizza for catering our Melave Malkah and to the entire Ezras Israel community for opening their hearts and homes. We look forward to more successful Shabbatons and partnering with additional shul communities throughout our programmatic year!