Chicagoland Rabbis and SHALVA Therapists Work Together: New Task Force Provides Rabbinic Guidance


SHALVA, an organization supporting Jewish women experiencing and healing from domestic abuse, is pleased to announce a groundbreaking initiative – The Orthodox Rabbinic Task Force.  It was created for those who may want additional support understanding the dynamics of their relationship. Twelve diverse, local Orthodox rabbis, each of whom works independently, are now available for anonymous, confidential rabbinic guidance on domestic abuse and shalom bayit needs. Task Force rabbis work together with SHALVA clinicians to better service Orthodox clients, families, and community members who seek rabbinic support and guidance unique to shalom bayit.

“While SHALVA serves all members of the Jewish community, we realize that members of the Orthodox community may encounter unique circumstances. Providing them with additional support services may be beneficial for those going through an incredibly challenging time,” explained Barbara Siegel, SHALVA’s Director of Clinical Services.

Rabbis are often the first ones to be approached when there are ongoing problems in the home.  But what happens when many people simply want to maintain their anonymity or don’t have a personal rabbi? With a holistic approach, the rabbis can work in tandem with the individual and/or SHALVA’s counseling team, offering additional support to our Orthodox clients and concerned community members wanting to know how to help.  

With the endorsement of leading Chicagoland rabbis The Task Force is comprised of the following rabbis – Rabbi Eliezer Dimarsky, Rabbi Zvi Engel, Rabbi Baruch Epstein, Rabbi Menachem Fine, Rabbi Shaanan Gelman, Rabbi Aaron Leibtag, Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, Rabbi Moshe Scheinberg, Rabbi Moshe Schmelczer, Rabbi Gershon Schaffel, Rabbi Efraim Twerski, and Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman. To speak with any of the Orthodox Rabbinic Task Force rabbis anonymously, call 855-4SHALVA (474-2582) or call SHALVA at 773-583-HOPE (4673) for additional information. One does not need to be a SHALVA client to access and utilize this resource. All conversations with SHALVA or any Task Force rabbis are strictly confidential. For more information, please visit


SHALVA is an Illinois not-for-profit 501(c)3. The agency supports women experiencing and healing from domestic abuse through counseling, supportive services and community education. Each year, SHALVA educates thousands of individuals about domestic violence in Jewish relationships and provides trainings for professionals. As the oldest independent, Jewish domestic abuse agency in the United States, SHALVA has been instrumental in facilitating national and international dialogues on the specific needs of Jewish families experiencing domestic violence.