CTN’s JWRP 2018 Israel Trip 


CTN’s Esti Deutsch, Robin Loeb, Nina Segal and Malkie Kohn are in Israel leading our ninth annual JWRP MOMentum Mission for Jewish moms. This year’s mission, run in partnership with NCSY and 

Russian Jewish Legacy Project is our largest yet, with 37 women heading to Israel for an inspiration-filled week designed to empower participants to change the world through Jewish values that transform themselves, their families, and the entire community.  

Although MOMentum starts with the JWRP Israel trip, it is actually a year or longer “Jewish Journey”, through follow up programming provided by CTN. Programs include classes, social events, Holiday celebrations, a Shabbat Retreat, one-on-one learning and more. 

For trip updates and pictures, check out www.torahnetwork.org or follow us on facebook.com/chicagotorahnetwork