Growing Beyond Imagination


On February 24, hundreds of people from across Chicago’s diverse neighborhoods will gather to celebrate the second decade of the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel’s Torah leadership and growth in the Chicago community with the help of Hashem. Representing scores of shuls, schools, and organizations, these dinner attendees come together with one shared commitment: to further the growth of the Kollel and its values.  This year’s dinner will highlight the contributions of outstanding Kollel lay leaders, Jeremy and Rebecca Amster and Larry and Jaime Leonard, who embody the Kollel’s values of aspirational Avodat Hashem and a commitment to Torah growth. Recognized as leaders in multiple community organizations including Arie Crown and The ARK, their involvement in the Kollel is a testament to the central role the Kollel plays in our community.   The evening will also recognize Kollel alumni Rabbi Mordecai and Atara Turoff for their ongoing contributions to our community. As one of a dozen families who have settled in Chicago following their term in the Kollel, they have continued to contribute in many ways. Rabbi Turoff delivers shiurim regularly in the community and Atara serves as a kallah teacher staffing NILI’s Taharat Hamishpacha hotline.

In one respect the Kollel is a center of Torah in the traditional Beit Midrash sense- it is comprised of four pairs of Torah scholars, who spend six to seven hours each day immersed in Gemara and Halacha. This year the Kollel is studying Massechet Temurah and Hilchot Mikvaot- learning that is supplemented by mandatory written exams and weekly shiurim from the Rosh Kollel and Rosh Chabura in addition to time for exploration of Jewish philosophy.  Yet, it also serves as a center of Torah for the broader community by reaching out and engaging our community. The Kollel offers a community Beit Midrash with one on one Chavruta learning every evening in the Beit Midrash at KINS and on Sunday mornings in the Or Torah Beit Midrash. Each week a dozen shiurim are available, in addition to dynamic youth learning for kids beginning at age 8.

Within the Kollel community, women have a unique opportunity for learning and leadership.  NILI: Chicago Institute of Women’s Learning offers women sophisticated and meaningful shiurim and programs under the direction of its women’s council and professional women staff.  Not only does it provide a wide menu of local educational resources for young women in middle and high school through adult women, but it also attracts special out of town speakers for key events.  Additionally, NILI’s Shirley Rothner a”h Taharat Hamishpacha Resource offers an anonymous, confidential hotline that enables local women to access the Halachic guidance of a local Rabbi with the comfort of speaking with a local, trained and approachable woman.

The Midwest Center for Jewish Learning is the Kollel’s newest initiative, which is focused on building bridges with Jews and communities outside the Orthodox orbit to share with them the inspirational resources of the Kollel and its educators. MCJL has partnerships with the Illinois Holocaust Museum, JCC and many local outreach organizations to bring the vision and message of the Kollel to the broader Chicago Jewish community.

The Kollel’s values of engaging our world through the prism of Torah and emphasizing the religious significance of the State of Israel differentiate its offerings and its energetic leadership constantly seek innovative ideas to grow participation. New initiatives have included Torah webinars, Israel – themed movie and discussions and parenting workshops with Rabbi Linzer and Rabbi Samber.

Despite its lean administrative team and budget that is funded completely by local Chicago community members, the Kollel’s programming and impact continues to grow. Without its own brick and mortar location, the Kollel and its dynamic team of fellows are able to reach out with incredible programming a enhance local shuls and schools including Arie Crown, Hillel Torah, Ida Crown, and Fasman Yeshiva High School.  When the Kollel began in 2008 as a merger with the previous Kollel Torah Mitzion, no one could have imagined its future impact. With alumni in local Rabbinic and lay leadership positions, the ability to unify a growing, diverse constituency under the banner of Torah and hundreds of people of all backgrounds engaging the word of Hashem through countless entry points the Kollel is truly growing beyond imagination.

Join us, February 24th, at our 11th Annual Dinner and celebrate with us a new decade of Torah in the Chicagoland community.