Illuminating Illinois 


The Chanukah celebration and publicizing it’s miracle (pirsumei nisa) illuminated the public arena throughout the state. More than 100 public Menorahs and dozens of lighting ceremonies took place this Chanukah in the Chicagoland alone.

Keeping up the decades-old tradition, Rabbis of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois celebrated Chanukah with elected officials including the Governor, Governor-Elect, State Senators, Representatives, and local Mayors.

From the State Capital to the Thompson Center, from suburban city centers to the United Center the light of Chanukah illuminated Illinois.  

“Chanukah reminds us of the victory of light over darkness; faith over doubt; hope over despair; and the triumph of good over evil. I am delighted to be a part of the lighting of the menorah again. May the Festival of Lights bring rays of hope and joy to all. ” Said Governor Bruce Rauner at the Chanukah celebration at the Thompson Center.