Joining the Cause: Chicago Chesed Fund Holds Their First Shadchan Convention


When it comes to shidduchim, out-of-town singles are at a disadvantage. They lack the selection that cities on the East Coast have, as well as access to appropriate shadchanim and dating opportunities. Chicago Chesed Fund has long stood behind this cause with their Simcha Link program, providing shadchan services, dating advice, resume building and help with dating expenses. 

This past Sunday, November 10th, 2019, over thirty shadchanim from out-of-town communities met in Chicago for a day of networking. Cities such as Detroit, Baltimore, Toronto, Cleveland and St. Louis, among many others, were represented by shadchanim who came together to brainstorm for possible shidduchim. 

The goal of the event was to create connections between shadchanim from various cities to help facilitate inter-city shidduchim. The attendees were addressed by Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan Agudath Israel of Illinois, co-Founder of Chicago Chesed Fund, and facilitator of shidduchim, who shared words of bracha and hatzlacha. “If we come together l’sheim shamayim,” he said, “then Hashem will bless our endeavor with hatzlacha.” 

After networking, each shadchan was given the opportunity to describe a few singles they know from back home. Over lunch, shadchanim sat together to brainstorm and met with singles from Chicago. A WhatsApp group will be formed for further collaboration.

Now Chicago Chesed Fund is gearing up for their third annual Shas for Shidduchim campaign! On Tu B’Shvat 5780, lomdim will come together and complete Shas in order to see more singles walk to their chuppah this year.  

We are dedicated to bringing about more shidduchim, and hope to hear many more Mazal Tovs!

For more information, please visit