Mazel Tov, Chicago! Celebrating our 200th Simcha Link Shidduch!


Foremost on the minds of men, women, and parents worldwide is the infamous “Parsha” of Shidduchim. Simcha Link, the matchmaking division of the Chicago Chesed Fund, services the Chicago community throughout every step of the somewhat daunting process of Shidduchim. An experienced team of Shadchanim in both Chicago and Lakewood fly out to network with the boys on the east coast, the girls in Chicago, and each other. Singles can also submit their dating profiles to a Simcha Link Shadchan via the brand new Simcha Link website!

From coaching singles on how to create a resume and how to best present themselves on dates, to helping them navigate relationships, the Simcha Link mentors are there to support Chicago’s singles through every step of the dating process. Simcha Link also helps financially by providing miles to help singles fly out for dates, and by covering clothing and makeup expenses to help every woman look and feel her best.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of the Simcha Link team, we’re now celebrating our 200th Simcha Link Shidduch . . . and counting!  May we celebrate in many more Mazel Tovs together!

For more information, please visit our brand new website at