Summer Comes Early for Aleck 


For a child, there’s nothing worse than missing summer vacation. With a serious surgery scheduled for the end of June, Aleck is in danger of losing those two wonderful months of relaxation and fun. Aleck’s mom called with one request: an amazing few weeks to replace the summer that he would lose. In addition to the stress of the upcoming surgery: the family had to move into a new home, and fast. 


Chai Lifeline Midwest to the rescue! First, we moved Aleck’s family into their new home, free of charge, thanks to the generosity of Golan Movers. One stressor down. Then Chai Lifeline’s amazing volunteers and staff took his bucket list and began to make each wish come true. In just a few weeks, Alec went to a Cubs game, had a great day in Great America, and enjoyed a trip to the Brookfield Zoo. Chai Lifeline bought Aleck a Nintendo Switch to give him something fun to do as he lies prone for a few weeks.