Yeshiva of St. Louis- MTI spends 6th summer zman in Los Angeles Valley Community 

By Elisheva Rina Deifik


The MTI Bais Medrash’s sixth summer zman in the San Fernando Valley is off to a dynamic start. Said Rabbi Avroham Goldman, who is running the program, “this zman, everyone is full of achdus and energy for learning. What makes it so special is the synergy of our current talmidim with the alumni who have joined especially for this program.”

Mr. Jonathan Istrin, a Valley native and a close friend of the Yeshiva, devotes much time and effort into arranging this exceptional program every summer. He initiated this great program to strengthen the Torah learning in the Valley and to help the boys enjoy a productive summer zman.

After finishing their school year in June, the bais medrash students are enjoying a bonus zman of a few weeks, with a change of scenery in a different state and with chavrusas from among the Valley community. The bachurim learn Maseches Kesuvos b’iyun in the mornings and b’kiyus in the afternoons at Valley Torah High School. In the evenings, they split up the weeks of the summer and learn during night seder with community members at Shaarey Zedek Congregation and at the new Valley Village Community Kollel. 

The talmidim of MTI bring another level of intense Torah learning to the Valley community, and the community reciprocates with extensive hachnosas orchim, including hosting Shabbos meals, onegs, and housing the boys. MTI thank the entire community for inviting the Yeshiva into their homes (and swimming pools!) and providing such a conducive environment to Torah growth.