Not one Shabbaton – two Shabbatons! 


Over Presidents Day Weekend, 5 JET students joined Rabbi Mordi and Rabbi Kahn at the Ohr Somayach guys Shabbaton in Flatbush and 5 JET students joined Rivki Cherrick at the Olami Girls Retreat in Far Rockaway.

Besides making new friends from around the country and lots of delicious food, the guys Shabbaton included an opening dinner and illusionist; a visit to Ground Zero and a moving talk by a 9/11 first responder; an inspiring Shabbat with friendly Flatbush families;  and a visit to the astounding Living Torah Museum in Brooklyn.

From all accounts, the Girls Shabbaton was just as an amazing experience for everyone. The girls had a Babka bake; heard inspiring talks from a number of speakers including Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner, Charlie Harary and Rabbi YY Rubinstein; an uplifting Shabbat; a trip to Manhattan to watch a Broadway play and a visit also to the Living Torah Museum.

At the airport, while we were waiting for the flight back to Chicago, a man approached Rabbi Kahn asking if we could help with a minyan as he had a chiyuv (an obligation). Every one of the guys was happy to help and with them we just made a minyan. Some of them had never davened Maariv before! What a great way to end off a special weekend in New York.