Pi Day at Blistein Institute 


On Wednesday, March 14 (3/14) Blistein Institute held our fourth annual Pi Day Celebration in the Blitstein Institute Library. International Pi Day was founded by physicist Larry Shaw in 1988. The date references the approximate numerical value of the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter: 3.14. In 2009 the U.S. House of Representatives approved a resolution supporting Pi Day and its celebration in schools for the promotion of math and science education. 

Students, staff and community members gathered in the library to enjoy some pie (apple, cherry and chocolate cream!) and a math “show” by Mike Byster, known as one of the fastest mathematical minds in the world. Mr. Byster amazed the audience with his rapid and accurate mental calculations, and then put the audience to work learning some of his techniques including how to memorize a list of random items, how to quickly multiply two 3-digit numbers in your head and how to figure out the last three numbers of someone’s driver’s license based on their birth date. The evening ended with a raffle of math-themed prizes. A great time was had by all. Save the date for next year’s celebration – it’ll be on March 14, 2019 of course!